


It All Adds Up - Natalie's Senior Portraits

When it comes to organization, you will not meet a young lady more inclined towards it, or better at it. We are talking about someone who used to create a power point presentation for her Christmas list as a child. That is impressive!!! Natalie is the embodiment of what a bright future looks like. Following in the foot steps of her parents and siblings, she will start working towards her Accounting degree when she leaves for college. If she handles school with the same methodical research and attention to detail that she showed when finding her Maui Senior Portrait Photographer, it will be a breeze for her. Natalie, we can't say enough about what a bright and commendable young lady you are. We are so pleased that we had the pleasure of getting to meet you. Thank you for letting Karma Hill Photography be a part of this milestone. We look forward to seeing you back again one day, and will no doubt be impressed again. Best Wishes & Warm Aloha!!!

Maui Senior Portrait Photographer: Cheynice of Karma Hill Photography
Location: Baby Beach
Time of Day: Morning

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