


Big Brothers Big Sisters Maui Photoshoot - Maui Photographer Karma Hill

When I heard through one of my local photographer groups that Big Brothers Big Sisters Maui needed help capturing some of their Bigs and Littles together in a Maui location, I jumped at the chance.  Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of my favorite organizations.  I absolutely love their mission and vision, here is a quote from their website

Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii operates under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life.  We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
Our Mission - Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. 
Our Vision - Our vision is that all children achieve success in life. 

They chose Iao Valley's Heritage Gardens as they wanted a really "Maui" looking location, it doesn't get more Maui than the beautiful lush West Maui Mountains!  I had a great time capturing the friendship between the littles and bigs, it was so natural, and it was obvious that these pairs truly enjoyed each others company. If you are looking for an organization to donate time or money too, look no further, setting kids up for success in life, not only helps the children but our community as a whole.

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