


The Carr Family Returns! - Maui Family Portraits Preview by Karma Hill

This is the third time I have had the pleasure of working with the Carr family! Grandma and Grandpa call Maui home and when their family comes to town they love to capture updated portraits with their kids and grandkids.  I was happy that they chose DT Fleming beach as their location, it is for sure one of my favorite locations in West Maui, it has amazing light and a great variety of backdrops.  I can not believe what little angels these kids are, every time I have photographed them, they are so happy, sweet and willing to do anything that we asked them to. It is also obvious how well they get along with each other.  I told the Carr's that they won the best behaved children of the year so far, for real!! Big Mahalos to the Carr family for choosing me once again do document your beautiful family!!

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