


Running Wild - Matt Family Portraits Preview by Maui Photographer Karma Hill

As a mother of two boys, I know that boys love to run, but the Matt boys REALLY love to run!! The older son is a baseball star and can run faster than I have ever seen any 9 year old run and their two year old is following in his big brothers footsteps, he ran almost the entire session! We did manage to get them to hold still for a few family shots, but I really did have a great time trying to keep up with them and catch them in action! It was a beautiful Maui evening with a lovely sunset to cap off the night, just another awesome day in paradise!  Mahalo to the Matt family for choosing me to capture your adorable family.

They were so great at playing with each other, what a good big brother!

Just had to include this one, typical 2 year old, running from the camera!! :) 

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