


The Wright Stuff - The Wright Family Reunion Portraits Preview by Maui Photographer Karma Hill

I was so flattered when this group contacted me on a referral from a very talented Kauai Photographer at Island Echos Photography.  Not only was this group super photogenic, they were also so much fun! The two hour session seemed to fly by as we chatted and clicked along (the guys may not agree with me, but they were great sports about getting their pictures taken :) We managed to get about every imaginable combination of people and get some great shots in the green areas as well as the beach.  The location was one of my favorite West Maui beaches, DT Fleming beach, it has such great variety of scenery as well as some of the best lighting conditions on the island for morning and sunset portrait sessions.  THANK YOU so much Wright family for choosing me to capture your Maui Family Reunion Portraits, it was great meeting you all!!

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by for a few shots
The Beautiful ladies!
The Handsome Men, I told them this was their promo shot for their reality show LOL

The girls had fun playing while the guys were taking a short break

They wanted to do a jumping shot with the whole group! Not an easy task but, they got some serious air!
One of my favorite spots on the beach, these rocks are great for large groups and so dramatic

Images ©2011 by Maui Photographer Karma Hill

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