


Maui Family Portraits Preview - The Payne Family by Maui Photographer Karma Hill

The Payne family warned me that their boys are not big fans of smiling at the camera, which I don't mind at all as I prefer more natural shots anyway, but I do believe that no portrait session is complete without at least a few frame-worthy photos of the whole family looking at the camera in the collection. Luckily I was enough of a novelty to their youngest son that he looked at me for about 2.5 minutes, which was just enough time for me to get a few great shots of the family.  Their littlest just did not want to have his photos taken at ALL he tried his hardest to not smile or look at me for most of the hour and a half session but somehow, we still managed to get some fun images of this adorable family enjoying the beach, each other and their Maui vacation.  Mahalo Payne Family!!

LOVE this look, like get away from me lady!
Dad got a smile out of him with bubbles

This photoshoot is OVER! he he

Big brother tried so hard to get him to stay but he was done. Love shots like these, they will be really funny when they get older and look back on them

Images by Maui Photographer Karma Hill

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