


Married Away, Far & Tam's Maui Wedding Preview - by Maui Wedding Photographer Karma Hill

I first met Far & Tam last year when they hired me to take their engagement photos.  They didn't know at the time that they would be married in Maui, so I was thrilled when they contacted me to photograph their wedding! They are such a fun loving, happy couple and they said the words I like to hear the most from my clients "do whatever you want, we totally trust you".  I love it when I get free creative reign and trust from my clients! It gets the creative wheels turning and I know I can ask them to do things like climb on rocky cliffs next to the ocean in stiletto heals to get the shot :).  They were married in a beautiful ceremony by Rev. Joe Miles just before sunset overlooking the ocean at Merriman's in Kapalua, then had a dinner with all of their guests on the restaurant's patio.  They were also having a reception when they returned home so I was able to rush some photos to them so they could present a slideshow for all the people who could not make it to Maui.  Thank you so much Far and Tam for a fun evening and congrats on your beautiful wedding!!

OK, seriously, how cute are these two!

 She was such a trooper hiking the rocks with her heels!

For more information about hiring me to document your Maui Wedding, click here: Maui Wedding Photographer Karma Hill

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Wow what a beautiful day! Those two were so lucky! Love the cake!