


Maui Engagement Portraits - Nathan & Stephanie Preview

What a sweet couple! Nathan and Stephanie got engaged while visiting Maui from Chicago and Nathan surprised Stephanie with an engagement portrait session he had booked with me before their trip knowing he was going to propose! What a thoughtful thing to do and such a great idea.  Nathan booked my "all inclusive" Maui romance package so we had the opportunity to explore two great Maui locations.  We started at one of my favorite off beach locations, Heritage Gardens.  This park has lots of lush green, cool structures and is surrounded by huge mountains to boot.  The light here is so yummy and there are so many great spots for photos here it is hard to decide which ones to use!  After Heritage Gardens we went to my favorite Southside beach where we were treated to a fantastic sunset.  Congrats you two, I am sure you will have an amazing wedding and marriage.

Maui Engagement Portraits

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