


Maui Family Portraits Preview, Swenson Family - Maui Photographer, Karma Hill

The Swenson Family is vacationing on Maui from Washington state.  This is a very special trip for them as dad is deploying for a year to Kuwait in January.  I just can't imagine Brayden and I not seeing Steve for an entire year, I just don't know what we would do! It just reminds us that it is not just a sacrifice for our service members to be deployed it really extends to their entire family.  So THANK YOU Swenson family for your service to our country.  On a lighter note, their little boy was such a happy guy, he just loved searching for Coral and then throwing it as far out to the ocean as he could.  He just had a great time playing as was such a great model, always smiling!

Love it! This is what I got when I told him to be goofy and do whatever he wanted, so cute!

He found a cool piece of coral with a shell in it

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1 comment

Ruth Silver said...

I absolutely love the colors from this beach portrait session! Everything is so bright and cheerful. It looks like everyone had a fantastic time.